What You Need To Know About Google’s Adwords Exact Match Update

What You Need To Know About Google’s Adwords Exact Match Update

If your business is dependent on Search Engine Marketing or if you belong to Adwords company, you need to be apprised of the recent announcement of Google regarding the changes on how exact match targeting works in AdWords. Previously, exact match literally means “exact match” – when someone searches for a particular phrase or word/s on the internet it will only show ads that precisely match the phrase or word/s entered. With the current changes, the word ‘exact’ has expanded its meaning to the point of being somewhat blurry.

What are the Fundamental Changes?

For MediaPlus Digital, as a SEM Agency, knowing the essential changes on the new version of exact match will help you carry out necessary adjustments to negate any possible negative impact. Here are the two fundamental changes of the exact match update:
• Google can now delete, insert, or replace “function” words (the, that, some, but, might, etc.) into an exact match keyword and still regard it as a close variant.

For instance, the exact match keyword, “petrol stations kaki bukit” could match to the query, “petrol stations in kaki bukit” (note that the function word “in” was added). Another example would be the keyword, “café in macpherson” can match the query, “cafe macpherson” (note that the function word “in” was removed). It is important to note, however, that while the presence or absence of function words can barely affect the original intention of the searcher, digital marketing specialists like yourself still need to anticipate unexpected matches in queries.
• The word order of the exact match keyword can be switched around. For instance, the keyword, “baby playing video” could match to the query “playing baby video”.

Are the Changes Enough to Make Search Marketers Worry?

Most SEM Singapore companies are staffed with expert digital marketers that can readily adapt to these changes. The impact of adding, removing, or replacing function words are manageable, if there is a possible cause for concern it would be keyword reordering since doing the same can suggest a different meaning. Nevertheless, since opting-out is not possible, worrying will just be a waste of energy, digital marketing specialists should then focus on making necessary preparations.

What are the Things that You Can Do to Manage these Changes?

Below are some of the steps that you can do to ensure that you can effectively manage the changes initiated by Google:
• Be more meticulous in evaluating their keywords so that any possible reordering will not change the intention.
• Be extra diligent in checking your Search Query report and once you have the findings use them in re-evaluating and refining your existing keyword coverage to make them more efficient.
• Make sure that your negative lists are continuously updated to avoid any potential problem.
At the end of the day, the said changes will undoubtedly impact your business. However, it is important to note that you are in control of how much the effect would be depending on the actions you will take to manage these changes.

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12 April 2017


Digital Marketing